Film and Recording Studio Soundproofing

Film and Recording Studio Soundproofing

Design your professional acoustic space with New York Soundproofing!

We proudly provide complete soundproofing and acoustic solutions for recording studios, including room analysis, room tuning, treating problematic frequencies, and specialty products such as bass traps and diffusers. 

We will do a full assessment to help you determine your individual acoustic needs, as well as help you create the design and overall aesthetics of your space.

Find your best solution!

Acoustic Treatment Demonstration

In this video New York Soundproofing demonstrates the dramatic difference before - and after - installing our acoustic panels. This acoustic treatment project was at the Galaxy Visuals video studio - a state-of-the-art video studio in Brooklyn, NY.
The video room was turned from acoustically unusable to sounding exceptional! 
When our clients moved into the space, there was so much echo they couldn't do any video shoots with decent sound, or even understand each other speak.

New York Soundproofing to the rescue! We installed acoustic panels that matched the space and could fit in an area that is outside of the camera frame for a fantastic result. This is only one example of many where we transform an unusable space into a great-sounding room fit for recording, listening and more. 

Contact us today to see how we can help transform your space! (Also see Galaxy's client testimonial video below).

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