How the Sound in Your Home Affects Your Mood New York Soundproofing and Acoustical Treatment

How the Sound in Your Home Affects Your Mood

Acoustically treated home theater
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How the Sound in Your Home Affects Your Mood A fascinating article by the BBC about how acoustics make us feel

The acoustic properties of our houses, offices and public spaces can have a major impact on how comfortable we find them and may even affect the way we behave.

Step into the underground concourses of New York’s Penn Station and you might just feel an uneasy sense of claustrophobia that’s hard to explain. Stroll across the hardwood floors at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC and a sense of calmness might descend on you. Why? Each of these buildings has its own unique voice – the way sound behaves in the structure.

Think of the way whispers travel in the circular dome of St Paul’s Cathedral in London and how the curved ceiling of the lower floor of Grand Central in New York can carry voices. Then there is the satisfying click of heels walking through an deserted hallway or the way your bathroom makes your singing sound better. This “aural architecture” can have a profound effect on the way you experience a building. (Read about how you can navigate a room using clicks alone)

Read the full article here

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